Project Archive Pages
Archive Pages for Independent Online Projects and Fora.

Reading Beregovski In Yiddish
This Project Is Still In Progress. Archive Pages Coming Soon!

Beregovski Online Forum #2
Craig Judelman hosts a discussion about the origins of the English language edition of Beregovski’s Jewish Instrumental Folk Music.

Beregovski Online Forum #1
Craig Judelman hosts a discussion with international klezmorim about the enduring attraction of the Beregovski collections.

A Nign A Day Lockdown Project
Ilana Cravitz convenes international klezmer violinists to record niggunim from the Beregovski collections.
The Klezmer Institute can give support to independent projects and informal discussion groups who would like to have a place to “Archive” their work. The Beregovski Online Forum, A Nign A Day, and Reading Beregovski in Yiddish were all online projects that developed organically in the early summer of 2020 while the klezmer community—and most of the world—was in various stages of lockdown and isolation. These incredible projects channeled the creativity of the community into new ways to connect, and collaborate. Please be in touch if you have a project you’d like to “Archive In Real Time.”