KMDMP Anniversary Digi!
Wow! Has it bean a year already? Let’s Celebrate!
Kiselgof-Makonovetsky Digital Manuscript Project
One Year Anniversary Digitizathon
Wow! Has it been a year already?? Let’s Celebrate!
Mark your calendar to celebrate KMDMP’s “Paper” Anniversary
Sunday, November 14
7am-4pm Seattle | 7am-7pm New York | noon-midnight London | 1pm-1am Berlin | 2pm-2am Moscow | 8pm-1am Tokyo
Click here to register join the KMDMP Community (for new participants only).
Click here for the Program Schedule
KMDMP Awards | Research Presentation by Mariko Mishiro | Computational Musicology with Yonatan Malin |
| Mapping Kiselgof in the 21st Century | Reflections on our first year | Playalongs and more! |
If you have attended precious events but have lost the link/password credentials to the KMDMP Commons, please drop a note to info at klezmerinstitute dot org
If you are new to this project, please
If you a registered with the project, but are not able to access the Commons page because your internet provider doesn’t allow a WordPress password site, please send a message to info at klezmerinstitute dot org — we can provide you with an alternate access to the Commons page.