Archives In Focus
An Interview Series With Archivists & Researchers>>> Register via Eventbrite at Links Below <<<

About the Series
In his book A Time to Gather, Jason Lustig describes the creation of Jewish archives as constituting a “concrete attempt to hold tight to the past in times of fast and far-reaching change, and [they] manifest a broader sensibility of gathering together the scattered sources and resources of Jewish life by bringing order to the past. In this series, we will meet archivists and scholars who are deeply connected to archives that were wellsprings for the klezmer revival, and which continue to inform new generations of practitioners in Ashkenazic expressive culture.
Register at the Eventbrite link for each speaker.
| Concession tickets as donation |
Standard $10 | Patron as $18
Series 3: Nurturing Ashkenazic Expressive Culture Through Archivists and Archives
Our Round Table Discussion is co-sponsored by Yiddish New York 2022!

Join Klezmer Institute’s Christina Crowder to meet archivists and researchers who are deeply connected to the preservation and continuity of Ashkenazic expressive culture through their work in Jewish archival spaces. Tune in live to ask your own questions and to participate in an intimate conversation about work in these spaces that puts a focus on personal reflections about their own work, and about the role of physical and digital archives in Yiddishland today.
Sunday, October 23 Ilya Shneyveys — Making Transcriptions Resound: The Jewish Music Collection of Emilis Melngailis. Register Here.
Sunday, November 13, Eléonore Biezunski — The Archive as Revival: Creation, Revitalization, & Community. Register Here
Sunday, November 27, Lyudmila Sholokhova — A Life in Libraries: Connecting Work in Three Major Judaica Collections. Register Here
Sunday, December 11, Round Table Discussion with special guest Jenny Romaine. Register Here

Ilya Shneyveys
October 23, 2022, 2pm (EST)
Reserve a spot in the Zoom Room at Eventbrite.
Concession tickets as donation
| Standard $10 | Patron $18 |
Short Bio
Ilya Shneyveys is an international performer, accordionist and multi-instrumentalist, teacher, composer, arranger and producer of contemporary Jewish music, from klezmer and Yiddish folk song to fusion and experimental projects. He is an artistic director of the German-Israeli student exchange project The Caravan Orchestra, for which he was awarded the 2017 Shimon-Peres-Prize. Ilya is artistic director of the Yiddish psychedelic rock band Forshpil (LV-RU-DE), and received the 2014 RUTH World Music Award as part of the Yiddish-Bavarian fusion project Alpen Klezmer (DE). He tours with the klezmer-balkan band Dobranotch (RU), and received the Eiserne Eversteiner Preis in 2017. He has performed and collaborated with Opa! (RU), The Klezmatics (US), Daniel Kahn and the Painted Bird (DE) among others. He is a co-founder of Berlin’s Neukölln Klezmer Sessions and Shtetl Neukölln festival, and a long-time faculty member at Yiddish Summer Weimar. More here.
Selected Discography / Bibliography
Alpen Klezmer (album); Alpen Klezmer; April, 2013.
Alpen Klezmer – Zum Meer (album); Alpen Klezmer; April, 2021.
Forshpil (album); Forshpil; October, 2012.
If I were an ethnomusicologist Video Presentation, The Promiscuous World of Jewish Music Lecture 67, January 24, 2022.
Tsvey: Dark Yiddish Love Songs From a Parallel World (album); Forshpil; August, 2020.

Eléonore Biezunski
November 13, 2022, 2pm (EST)
Reserve a spot in the Zoom Room at Eventbrite.
Concession tickets as donation
| Standard $10 | Patron $18 |
Short Bio
Eléonore Biezunski serves as Sound Archivist in the The Max and Frieda Weinstein Archives of YIVO Recorded Sound, where she has coordinated the Ruth Rubin Legacy online exhibition ( She has a PhD from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris and holds a M.A. in Comparative Urban Geography from University of Paris X Nanterre (France). She has published several book chapters and articles on the history of Yiddish music and culture, and co-edited in 2015 a 6 CDs-set reissue of historical recordings of the Elesdisc Label (1948-1953), as the Assistant to the Director of the European Institute for Jewish Music in Paris ( She is also a member of the Klezmer Institute‘s KMDMP and Klezmer Archive Project. As a singer and violinist, she has founded and led several projects and collaborated with a large number of well-known performers of Jewish music here and abroad. She won a Bubbe Awards in 2021 for her song “Tshemodan” in the category Best New Yiddish Song and is a recipient of a NYSCA Folk Arts Apprenticeship. Her recordings include Yerushe (IEMJ, 2016), drawing from Yiddish music archives such as the Ruth Rubin’s, Beregovski’s and Kisselgof’s collections and Zol zayn (2014).
Selected Bibliography
“The YIVO Sound Archive as a Living Space: Archiving and Revitalizing Klezmer Music,” Tina Frühauf (dir.), Oxford Handbook of Jewish Music, coming up in 2023.
“Le théâtre de marionnettes parisien «Hakl Bakl»”, Revue d’Histoire du Théâtre, Numéro, 294, Retour sur l’histoire du théâtre yiddish, Trimestre 3, 2022.
“Miroirs des mémoires : Der Teater Shpigl, une revue théâtrale yiddish parisienne de l’après-guerre”, in. Judith Lindenberg (dir.), Premiers savoirs de la Shoah, CNRS Editions, Paris, 2017.
Review: Biezunski, E. (2016). And We’re All Brothers: Singing in Yiddish in Contemporary North America. 2013. Abigail Wood. Surrey/Burlington: Ashgate. 205 pp. MUSICultures, 42 (2). Retrieved from
“East Side Story. Mémoires sédimentées de l’expérience migratoire juive à New York à travers une chanson yiddish”, in. Mémoires des migrations et temps de l’histoire, dirs. Marianne Amar, Hélène Bertheleu et Laure Teulières, Presses Universitaires François Rabelais de Tours, Tours, 2015.
Musiques juives dans le Paris d’après-guerre. Elesdisc 1948-1953 (6 CDs + booklet), dirs. Eléonore Biezunski, Léa Couderc et Hervé Roten, Éditions de l’IEMJ, Paris, 2015.

Lyudmila Sholokhova
November 27, 2022, 2 pm (EST)
Reserve a spot in the Zoom Room at Eventbrite.
Concession tickets as donation
| Standard $10 | Patron $18 |
Short Bio
Dr. Lyudmila Sholokhova is curator of the Dorot Jewish Collections at the New York Public Library and a lecturer of Yiddish language at Columbia University. She was the Director of the YIVO Library and Associate Director for External Relations in Eastern Europe and Russia from 2019 till January 2020. She was Head Librarian at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research from 2011-2016, Acting Chief Archivist from 2013-2016, and Director of the YIVO Archives and Library from 2016 – 2019. From 1994 to 2001, she was a Research Associate at the Judaica Division of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. Dr. Sholokhova is the author of numerous publications on the history of Jewish music and Jewish bibliography. She is fluent in Russian, Ukrainian, and Yiddish.
Selected Bibliography / Discography
Lecture: The World of Kiselgof and Makonovetsky; Yiddish Summer Weimar 2021.
—— “The Formation and Development of Jewish Musical Folklore Studies in the Russian Empire at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century” (Russian). Kiev University Dissertation, 2000.
—— “Jewish Musical Ethnography in the Russian Empire: Ideology and Chronology,” Jüdische Kunstmusik im 20. Jahrhundert: Quellenlage, Entstehungsgeschichte, Stilanalysen, Jüdische Musik Band 3, Jascha Nemtsov, editor. (Weisbaden: Harraswitz Verlag, 2006) pp. 227-232.
—— Phonoarchive of Jewish Musical Heritage: The Collection of Jewish Folklore Phonograph Recordings from the Institute of Manuscripts; Annotated Catalogue of Phonocylinders, Musical and Textual Decodings. (Kiev: Vernadsky Library, 2001).
—— “Yehiel Goyzman (Alter Chudnover, 1849-1913): A Klezmer Violinist in Transition From Folk Music To Classical Style Performance.” Jüdische Musik als Dialog der Kulturen (Jewish Music as a Dialogue of Cultures), Jüdische Musik Band 12, Jascha Nemtsov, editor. (Weisbaden: Harraswitz Verlag, 2013) pp. 43-58.
—— “Zinoviy Kiselhof as a Founder of Jewish Music Folklore Studies in Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th Century” in K. Grözinger (ed.), Klesmer, Klassik, Jiddishces Lied: Jüdische Musikkultur in Osteuropa. (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrasowitz, 2004), 63-72.
Series 3 Concluding Roundtable Discussion with Ilya Shneyveys, Lyudmila Sholokhova, Eléonore Biezunski, & Jenny Romaine hosted by Christina Crowder.
This event is co-produced with Yiddish New York 2022.