Klezmer Archive Coffee Hour
Conversations with the Klezmer Archive Team
Session 3: The KA White Paper and System Architecture Plan
Sunday, October 22, 1pm eastern
We’re following up publication of the KA White Paper with a Coffee Hour Session with Max Rothman to walk through the technical choices made for the system architecture plan described in Appendix A.
This session will be a space for in-depth discussion of the core technologies that will be stitched together to create our archive tool during the prototyping and testing in Phase II. We’ll also be excited to talk about any questions that you have while reading the White Paper!
No need to read the white paper in advance, but if you’d like to, find it at the adjacent link.

Session 2: The Archive as Network
Sunday, Marh 12, 12 noon eastern
Building on ideas from session 1, Christina will talk about how the Archive team thinks of “music as network.” The talk will continue with a discussion of how the team is thinking about networks of people: as historical figures documented in the archive, and as primary users of the tool we are building.

Session 1: Archiving Music Based in Oral Tradition
Sunday, February 19, 12 noon eastern
Clara and Christina will talk about how the library team is adapting existing catalog tools to organize information about tunes that have no specific author, many variations and lots of “manifestations” in different media; and, to describe relationships between people in the cultural heritage space. This presentation has been adapted from a paper presented at the Music Library Association Conference in 2022.