Articles, Translations, & Bibliographies
New, Rare, and Previously Unpublished WorksThis page hosts new, previously unpublished, and hard-to-find articles on Ashkenazic expressive culture topics. All articles are posted with both the author’s and the publisher’s permission. Our hope is to grow this collection, and eventually to support translation of important articles into English.
What Are We Missing??
Let us know if there’s an article or paper that should be here!!

White Paper
The Klezmer Archive Project NEH DHAG Phase I 2021-2022
Read the White Paper produced by the Klezmer Archive Project for its NEH DHAG Phase I project.

On the Confluence of Klezmer and Moldovan Music
Peter Lippman gives a short review of some of the writings of Walter Zev Feldman.

The Senescu Family: Their Musical Path from Moldavia to America
Paul Gifford narrates the story of the Moldavian Senescu klezmer family through oral history, postcard images, and archival research.

Remarks for the CD Release Event for Chekhov’s Band
Jewish Music Institute, 2015
Michael Aylward describes his work at the EMI Archive in preparing his discography of early European Jewish Sound Recordings.

Jewish Orchestras
Asia Fruman has translated Ivan Lipaev’s short but important 1904 essay on Jewish Orchestras into English. The PDF version is presented side-by-side in English and Russian.
“Еврейские оркестры, “Russkaya Muzykalnaya Gazeta [Russian Musical Newspaper], 1904, issues 4-8).

Conference Paper
Moshe Beregovski: The Insider As Outsider
Mark Slobin highlights some of the forward thinking elements of Moshe Beregovski’s early writing. Text Copyright © Mark Slobin 1998.
Full citation: “Moshe Beregovski: The Insider as Outsider,” unpublished conference paper, 1998.

Full Citation: Sholokhova, Lyudmila, “Jewish Musical Ethnography in the Russian Empire: Ideology and Chronology,” Jüdische Kunstmusik im 20. Jahrhundert: Quellenlage, Entstehungsgeschichte, Stilanalysen, Jüdische Musik Band 3, Jascha Nemtsov, editor. (Weisbaden: Harraswitz Verlag, 2006) pp. 227-232.
Jewish Musical Ethnography in the Russian Empire: Ideology and Chronology
Lyudmila Sholokhova presents an overview of Jewish musical ethnography from Vol. 3 of the Jüdische Musik Series edited by Jascha Nemtsov. This article is shared with permission from the author.

Full Citation: Sholokhova, Lyudmila, “Yehiel Goyzman (Alter Chudnover, 1849-1913): A Klezmer Violinist in Transition From Folk Music To Classical Style Performance.” Jüdische Musik als Dialog der Kulturen (Jewish Music as a Dialogue of Cultures), Jüdische Musik Band 12, Jascha Nemtsov, editor. (Weisbaden: Harraswitz Verlag, 2013) pp. 43-58.
Yekhiel Goyzman (Alter Chudnover, 1849-1913): A Klezmer Violinist in Transition from Folk Music to Classical Style Performance.
Lyudmila Sholokhova’s article from Vol. 12 of the Jüdische Musik Series edited by Jascha Nemtsov. Sholokhova paints a rich portrait of Yekhiel Goyzman—to whom she is directly related—through memoirs, ethnographic literature, family sources, photographs and his original music manuscripts. Reprinted with permission from the author.

Full Citation: Wollock, Jeffrey. Historic Records as Historical Records: Hersh Gross and His Boiberiker Kapelye (1927-1932). ARSC Journal [Association for Recorded Sound Collections], vol. 38, no.1 (Spring 2007), 44-106.
Historic Records as Historical Records: Hersh Gross and His Boibriker Kapelye (1927-1932)
Jeffrey Wollock writes a detailed history of the Boibrike Kapelie as the first “klezmer band” that owed its new fame to the new medium of radio.
Shared with the gracious permission of the Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC). Please contact the Association for further queries.

European Recordings of Jewish Instrumental Folk Music, 1911-1914
Jeffrey Wollock details groundbreaking discographical research on early Jewish instrumental sound recordings.
Shared with the gracious permission of the Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC). Please contact the Association for further queries.
Full citation: Jeffrey Wollock, “European Recordings of Jewish Instrumental Folk Music, 1911-1914,” ARSC Journal 28, no. 1 (Spring, 1997)

Full Citation: Feldman, Walter, “Klezmer Tunes For The Christian Bride: The Interface of Jewish and Romanian Exptressive Cultures in the Wedding Table Repertoire From Northern Bessarabia,” Revista de Etnografii și Folclor, new series 1-2/2020, pp. 5-35.
Klezmer Tunes For the Christian Bride.
Walter Zev Feldman shares a new article about the remnants of klezmer music in Christian wedding rituals in northern Bukovina. This article has been graciously shared by permission of Marin Marian Balasa of the Constantin Brailoiu Institute of Ethnography and Folklore, Bucharest, who edits the Revista de Etnografii şi Folclor.

POLIN Conference 2021 Paper: Klezmer Archive and Kiselgof-Makonovetsky Digital Manuscript Project
Christina Crowder presented on the Klezmer Archive Project and KMDMP at the 2021 POLIN “What’s New and What’s Next” online conference, October 3-7.